Select Data to Visualize from Airtable

After setting up Airtable as a data source, you can create a visualization in Superchart based on Airtable data. Follow these basic steps to get started:

1) Create New Visualization

Click "+Create visualization" to begin building from scratch.

superchart create airtable chart
Start Creating an Airtable Chart

You'll be able to choose the data source after starting the new visualization.

2) Select Airtable

If you have multiple data sources, you'll select Airtable as a first step.

superchart create airtable chart select source
Choose Airtable Data Source

After choosing Airtable as the data source for the visualization, you'll be able to select a specific set of data.

3) Choose a Database (Base) and Table

Within your Airtable account, choose which Base and Table you want to use for visualization.

superchart create airtable chart choose base table view
Choose Airtable Base and Table

For further limiting, Superchart can restrict data down to a particular grid view.

4) Choose a View (Optional)

Views in Airtable can be used to scope records based on filters. If you want to limit the Superchart visualization down to just a view, select it as an optional third input.

superchart create airtable chart choose view
Choose Airtable View

Once you've selected the view (or skipped that step), you'll import your Airtable data to begin configuring your visualization.

5) Click Import Data

When you click "Import data", we'll create a connection to that Airtable data set for this visualization. If you add fields, you'll see them show up as available for configuration. If you add records in Airtable and refresh the Superchart data, you'll see the new data pull through.

superchart create airtable chart import data
Chart on Airtable Data

From here, you'll be taken to configure a visualization from the Airtable base and table you've chosen.

Last Updated
March 1, 2023