A line chart will start to build with a column and a value. Values should be numeric, as they'll be plotted on a chart. Columns are often dates or categories in a series. To create a line chart or a multi-line chart, follow these basic steps:
First, give the line chart a unique name. Something that gives a summary of the data you're setting out to visualize.
After naming the line chart, start by configuring a column.
The first key configuration to a line chart is the column, or the x-axis configuration of the line chart. If you're using dates, they likely belong in the column configuration of the line chart.
After adding a column, you'll want to add at least one value and configure the aggregation method.
Adding a value after having a column configured will begin to build out the chart. Check the aggregate function (i.e. sum, average, min/max, etc.) used on the value.
You can add multiple values if you want to show a multi-line or grouped line chart.
If you want to minimize the data to a smaller set, utilize filters to pare the data down.
In this case, date filters can help you hone in on the right time scale.
In the embed below, we have some Gas Emissions Data over time displayed in a line chart as a very basic example.